6 Traços Millionários que Você Pode Adotar Quando as despesas totais de um governo excedem a receita que ele gera (excluindo dinheiro de empréstimos). O déficit difere. Em geral, uma estratégia de publicidade em que um produto é promovido em meios que não sejam rádio, televisão, outdoors, impressão. Uma série de regulamentos federais, afetando principalmente instituições financeiras e seus clientes, passou em 2010 em uma tentativa. A Gestão de Carteiras é a arte e ciência de tomar decisões sobre mix e política de investimentos, combinando investimentos para. Uma configuração de casa conveniente onde aparelhos e dispositivos podem ser controlados automaticamente remotamente de qualquer lugar do mundo. A estratégia de selecionar ações que negociam por menos do que seus valores intrínsecos. Os investidores de valor procuram ativamente ações de. Como ganhar dinheiro com o FOREX: Treinamento gratuito de negociação FOREX Se outras pessoas estão fazendo isso online, por que você não pode ler mais abaixo. E se você ama essa história, compartilhe isso nas redes sociais, seus amigos irão apreciar sua ajuda. Aos 23 anos, Sandile Shezi é um dos mais jovens milionários da África do Sul. Desde os primeiros tempos de venda de muffins no ensino médio (algo para o qual ele riu), para negociar todo o dinheiro que deveria ser para sua educação, Shezi fez um grande movimento que o transformou em empresário e milionário. Shezi assumiu uma jogada de risco e tornou-se o mais jovem milionário na África do Sul, a saber: Forex trading, um mercado de balcão no qual as moedas do mundo são negociadas. Ele foi criado por ambos os pais (professores) e é de uma família média de Joe. Dentro de cada homem rico é um filho pobre que seguiu seus sonhos, ele diz em sua conta no Facebook. Ele cresceu no mesmo município de Durban como seu modelo modelo Sandile Zungu. Zungu, que é o presidente executivo da Zungu Investments Company Limited, fez um programa de liderança global na prestigiada universidade de Harvard. Se ele pode fazê-lo, por que não posso Shezi disse durante uma entrevista com a CCTV Africa. Não são muitos os jovens que podem sair desse município e fazer bem por si mesmos. De acordo com uma entrevista da News24. Shezi mencionou que, depois de vender muffins, ele começou a vender roupas, o que ele disse que ensinou muito sobre negócios e rejeição, já que era uma venda de porta a porta. Ele decidiu abandonar a universidade durante seu terceiro ano para negociar em tempo integral, sem que seus pais conhecessem. Ele menciona que seus pais na época estavam desapontados com ele por abandonar, mas ele fez isso para perseguir seus sonhos, e agora eles permanecem totalmente de apoio dele. As pessoas sempre dizem que Sandile é uma inspiração que te inspira Minha resposta Pobreza Ele é agora o co-proprietário e fundador do Global Forex Institute, que tem como objetivo fornecer treinamento Forex acessível e efetivo que funcione para as massas. O Instituto Global Forex fortalece a massa ao fazer o mesmo que ele fez e educá-los sobre o Forex. Agora, você pode ganhar dinheiro online com a negociação Forex no mercado global de negociação Forex, que é o mundo mais grande, mais lucrativo, mais poderoso e mais persistente Mercado comercial. Para aqueles que ainda não conhecem, FOREX uma abreviatura para FOReign EXchange ou troca de moeda estrangeira. O câmbio é a compra ou venda de uma moeda contra venda ou compra de outra. O mercado FOREX é o mercado interbancário global onde todas as moedas são negociadas. O ForexZimbabwe irá ajudá-lo a tornar-se um dos principais comerciantes de Forex com nossas informações básicas sobre o comércio forex, além de outros artigos de Forex, ferramentas de Forex, melhores livros de Forex no mercado, as mais recentes notícias de negociação de Forex atualizadas. Além disso, forneceremos os melhores sistemas de negociação forex e corretores de divisas que respondam às suas necessidades individuais como comerciante de forex. A troca de câmbio (ForEex) é simplesmente a troca de uma moeda para outra. Cada comércio de Forex pode, teoricamente, ser visto como um comércio de spread onde comprar uma moeda, você deve vender outra. A Convenção determina que as moedas são mensuradas em unidades por 1 USD. Por exemplo, 1 USD vale aproximadamente 125 JPY (iene japonês) ou 1 USD vale aproximadamente 1.5000 CHF (Francos Suiços). Como resultado, quando o USDJPY aprecia em valor, é o USD que apreciou em relação ao JPY e não vice-versa. Posição-sábio, para possuir ou ser Long USDJPY significa que você é longo o USD e simultaneamente curto o JPY. O USD, portanto, é a moeda de liderança padrão. Sobre o mercado de câmbio O mercado de câmbio, também conhecido como o mercado Forex ou FX, é o maior mercado financeiro do mundo, com um faturamento médio diário superior a US1 trilhões - 30 vezes maior do que o volume combinado de todos os EUA. mercados acionários. O câmbio é a compra simultânea de uma moeda e a venda de outra. Existem dois motivos para comprar e vender moedas. Cerca de 5 do volume de negócios diário são de empresas e governos que compram ou vendem produtos e serviços em um país estrangeiro ou devem converter os lucros feitos em moedas estrangeiras em sua moeda nacional. Os outros 95 são negociados com fins lucrativos, ou especulações. Para os especuladores, as melhores oportunidades comerciais são as moedas mais comumente negociadas (e, portanto, mais líquidas), chamadas Majors. Hoje, mais de 85 de todas as transações diárias envolvem negociação das Majors, que incluem o dólar americano, o iene japonês, o euro, a libra esterlina, o franco suíço, o dólar canadense e o dólar australiano. Um verdadeiro mercado de 24 horas, a negociação Forex começa a cada dia em Sydney, e se move ao redor do globo enquanto o dia útil começa em cada centro financeiro, primeiro a Tóquio, Londres e Nova York. Ao contrário de qualquer outro mercado financeiro, os investidores podem responder às flutuações cambiais causadas por eventos econômicos, sociais e políticos no momento em que ocorrem - dia ou noite. O mercado FX é considerado um Over The Counter (OTC) ou um mercado interbancário, devido ao fato de que as transações são realizadas entre duas partes no telefone ou através de uma rede eletrônica. O Forex Trading não está centralizado em uma bolsa, como acontece com os mercados de ações e futuros. O mercado de câmbio não é um mercado no sentido tradicional. Não existe uma localização centralizada para negociação, como existe em futuros ou ações. O comércio ocorre por telefone e em terminais de computadores em milhares de locais em todo o mundo. O câmbio é também o mercado mais grande e profundo do mundo. O volume de negócios diário do mercado aumentou de cerca de 5 bilhões de dólares em 1977 para um impressionante 1,5 trilhões de dólares americanos hoje ainda mais em um dia ativo. A maior parte da atividade cambial consiste no negócio spot entre o dólar americano e as seis principais moedas (Yen japonês, Euro, Libra britânica, Franco suiço, Dólar canadense e Dólar australiano). O mercado FOREX é tão grande e controlado por tantos participantes que Nenhum jogador, governos incluídos, pode controlar diretamente a direção do mercado, razão pela qual o mercado FOREX é o mercado mais emocionante do mundo. Bancos centrais, bancos privados, corporações internacionais, gerentes de dinheiro e especuladores lidam com negociação FOREX. Benefícios do Trading Spot FX LIQUIDEZ: os investidores FOREX nunca precisam se preocupar em ficar presos em uma posição por falta de interesse no mercado. Neste mercado US1.5 trilhões de dólares por dia, os principais bancos internacionais estão sempre dispostos a fornecer um preço de oferta (compra) e pedir (vender). A liquidez é uma atração poderosa para qualquer investidor, pois sugere a liberdade de abrir ou fechar uma posição à vontade. Como o mercado é altamente líquido, a maioria dos negócios pode ser executada a um preço de mercado único. Isso evita o problema de derrapagem encontrado em futuros e outros instrumentos negociados em bolsa, onde apenas quantidades limitadas podem ser negociadas ao mesmo tempo a um preço determinado. As seis principais moedas (JPY, EUR, CHF, GBP, AUD CAD) são geralmente consideradas como as mais líquidas. LEVERAGE: os investidores FOREX podem negociar moedas estrangeiras com base em alavancagem - até 100 vezes seu investimento com alguns corretores. Um investimento de US $ 10.000 permitiria a troca de US $ 1.000.000 em moeda específica. HORAS: Uma atração substancial para os participantes no mercado FOREX é que ele está aberto 24 horas por dia. Um indivíduo pode reagir às notícias quando quebra, ao invés de esperar o sino de abertura quando todos os outros têm a mesma informação, como é o caso em muitos mercados. Isso pode permitir que os participantes do mercado tomem posições antes que uma informação importante seja totalmente contabilizada na taxa de câmbio. A alta liquidez e a negociação de 24 horas permitem que os participantes do mercado saem ou abram uma nova posição independentemente da hora. FLEXIBILIDADE DO TAMANHO: os investidores FOREX têm maior flexibilidade em relação à quantidade comercial desejada. Com a maioria dos corretores da FOREX, você pode trocar NENHUM MONTANTE DESCRITO em mais de 25.000 USD, especificamente adaptado às suas necessidades ou tolerância ao risco. A flexibilidade de tamanho ou quantidade pode ser especialmente útil para os tesoureiros corporativos que precisam proteger um fluxo de caixa futuro ou gerentes de portfólio que precisam proteger a exposição de capital estrangeiro. FLEXIBILIDADE DE CONFIGURAÇÃO: Este conceito, um corolário para o ponto 4, permite que você troque por várias datas de liquidação ou vencimentos até 1 ano além, permitindo que você adapte suas negociações ou hedges às suas necessidades específicas. Esta característica da negociação FOREX difere de futuros em que as datas de liquidação são relegadas para 4 expirações por ano e também podem ser bastante úteis para os tesoureiros corporativos e os gerentes de portfólio. NUNCA UM MERCADO DE URSOS: Outra vantagem do mercado de FOREX é que não há mercado de urso, per se. As moedas são negociadas em pares, por exemplo dólar norte-americano vs. iene ou dólar americano versus franco suíço. Cada posição envolve a venda de uma moeda e a compra de outra. Se acreditar que o franco suiço será apreciado em relação ao dólar, pode-se vender dólares e comprar francos suíços. Ou se alguém detém a crença oposta, pode-se comprar dólares em francos suíços. O potencial de lucro existe enquanto houver movimento na taxa de câmbio ou no preço. Um lado do par está sempre ganhando, e desde que o investidor escolha o lado direito, existe um potencial de lucro SEMPRE. FLUXO LIVRE E JUSTO DE INFORMAÇÕES: Nunca tenha notado no mercado de ações que um determinado estoque de repente baixe 5 ou mais, mas você não tem absolutamente nenhuma idéia do que causou um pico tão rápido. Normalmente, não é até a manhã seguinte quando você lê no jornal Que você descobre que as previsões de ganhos foram revisadas para baixo ou que um membro de uma empresa em particular renunciou ou que alguma outra informação influente foi divulgada que você não conhecia. Imagine quanto dinheiro você poderia ter salvo se você conhecesse essa informação vital ao mesmo tempo que todos os outros interessados no mercado. - Ou o quanto você poderia ter ganho em lucro ao atuar de forma oportuna. Imagine um mercado onde há pouca ou nenhuma informação privilegiada e todas as novidades pertinentes e em movimento de mercado sejam divulgadas publicamente a todos no mundo ao mesmo tempo. Bem-vindo à O mercado cambial. Cash FX vs Currency Futures Como investidor, é importante para você entender as diferenças entre o FOREX de caixa e futuros de moeda. Nos futuros da moeda, o tamanho do contrato é predeterminado. Com o FOREX (SPOT FX), você pode negociar qualquer quantidade desejada normalmente acima de 100,000 USD O mercado de futuros fecha ao final do dia útil (similar ao mercado de ações) Se dados importantes forem lançados no exterior enquanto os mercados de futuros dos EUA estiverem fechados, A abertura dos próximos dias pode suportar grandes lacunas com potencial para grandes perdas se a direção do movimento for contra sua posição. O mercado Spot FOREX funciona continuamente durante 24 horas a partir das 7:00 da manhã horário da Nova Zelândia de segunda a madrugada às 5:00 da noite, horário de Nova York, sexta-feira à noite. Os negociantes em todos os principais centros de negociação FX (Sydney, Tóquio, Hong KongSingapore, Londres, Genebra e New YorkToronto) asseguram uma transição suave à medida que a liquidez migra de um fuso horário para o próximo. Além disso, os futuros de divisas negociam em valores de moeda não denominados em USD apenas enquanto que no FOREX ao lado do local, um investidor pode negociar em denominações cambiais ou nos montantes mais convencionalmente cotados em USD. O poço de futuros de divisas, mesmo durante as horas regulares do IMM (Mercado Monetário Internacional), sofre acalmas esporádicos em liquidez e lacunas de preços constantes. O mercado FOREX no local oferece uma liquidez constante e uma profundidade de mercado muito mais consistente do que Futures. Com os futuros de IMM, um é limitado nos pares de moedas que ele pode negociar - A maioria dos futuros de divisas são negociados apenas em relação ao USD. Com Forex no local, (como no MoneyTec Trader), um pode trocar moedas estrangeiras versus USD ou um contra o outro em uma cruz Também - ex: EURJPY, GBPJPY, CHFJPY, EURGBP e AUDNZD. Quem são os bancos do mercado de Forex Bancos O mercado interbancário atende tanto à maioria do volume de negócios comercial quanto a enormes quantidades de negócios especulativos todos os dias. Não é incomum que um grande banco troque bilhões de dólares diariamente. Algumas dessas atividades de negociação são realizadas em nome de clientes, mas uma grande quantidade de negociação também é realizada por mesas proprietárias, onde os negociantes estão negociando para fazer o lucro do banco. O mercado interbancário tornou-se cada vez mais competitivo nos últimos dois anos e o status divino dos principais comerciantes de câmbio sofreu quando os equidade são novamente responsáveis novamente. Grande parte dos bancos que comercializam entre si está ocorrendo em sistemas de brooking eletrônicos que afetaram negativamente os corretores de câmbio tradicionais. Interbank Brokers Até recentemente, os corretores de câmbio estavam fazendo grandes negócios, facilitando a negociação interbancária e combinando contrapartes anônimas por taxas comparativamente pequenas. Hoje, no entanto, muitos desses negócios estão se movendo para sistemas eletrônicos mais eficientes que funcionam como um circuito fechado apenas para bancos. Ainda assim, a caixa de corretores que oferece a oportunidade de ouvir a negociação interbancária em curso é vista na maioria das salas de negociação, mas o volume de negócios é visivelmente menor do que há apenas um ano ou dois. Corretores de clientes Para muitos clientes comerciais e privados, é necessário receber serviços de câmbio especializados. Existe uma quantidade razoável de não bancos que oferecem serviços de negociação, análise e assessoria estratégica a esses clientes. Muitos bancos não realizam negociação para clientes privados, e não possuem os recursos necessários ou a inclinação para apoiar clientes comerciais de tamanho médio adequadamente. Os serviços de tais corretores são de natureza mais semelhante a outros corretores de investimento e tipicamente fornecem uma abordagem orientada para os serviços aos seus clientes. Investidores e especuladores Como em todos os outros mercados eficientes, o especulador desempenha um papel importante assumindo os riscos que os participantes comerciais não desejam expor. Os limites da especulação não são claros, no entanto, como muitos dos participantes acima mencionados também têm interesses especulativos, mesmo alguns dos bancos centrais. Os mercados de câmbio são populares entre os investidores devido à grande quantidade de alavancagem que pode ser obtida e à facilidade com que as posições podem ser inseridas e existiram 24 horas por dia. Negociar em uma moeda pode ser a maneira mais pura de se deparar com uma expectativa global do mercado local, muito mais simples do que investir em mercados de ações emergentes ilíquidos. Aproveitar os diferenciais das taxas de juros é outra estratégia popular que pode ser efetivamente realizada em um mercado com alta alavancagem. A exposição comercial do comércio internacional é a espinha dorsal dos mercados cambiais. A proteção contra movimentos desfavoráveis é uma razão importante por que esses mercados estão em existência, embora às vezes pareça ser uma situação de frango e ovo - o que veio primeiro e que produz as outras empresas comerciais, muitas vezes comercializam tamanhos que são insignificantes para os movimentos do mercado de curto prazo, No entanto, como os principais mercados de câmbio podem facilmente absorver centenas de milhões de dólares sem grande impacto. Mas também é claro que um dos fatores decisivos que determinam a direção de longo prazo de uma taxa de câmbio é o fluxo comercial global. Algumas empresas multinacionais podem ter um impacto imprevisível quando as posições muito grandes são cobertas, no entanto, devido a exposições que não são comumente conhecidas pela maioria dos participantes no mercado. Os bancos centrais nacionais desempenham um papel importante nos mercados cambiais. Em última análise, os bancos centrais procuram controlar a oferta monetária e, muitas vezes, têm taxas de metas oficiais ou não oficiais para suas moedas. Como muitos bancos centrais têm reservas de câmbio muito substanciais, o poder de intervenção é significativo. Entre as responsabilidades mais importantes de um banco central está a restauração de um mercado ordenado em tempos de volatilidade da taxa de câmbio excessiva e o controle do impacto inflacionário de uma moeda enfraquecida. Freqüentemente, a mera expectativa de intervenção do banco central é suficiente para estabilizar uma moeda, mas em caso de intervenção agressiva, o impacto real no saldo da oferta de curto prazo pode levar a movimentos desejados nas taxas de câmbio. Não é nem sempre que um banco central alcança seus objetivos, no entanto. Se os participantes do mercado realmente querem assumir um banco central, os recursos combinados do mercado podem facilmente dominar qualquer banco central. Vários cenários desta natureza foram vistos no colapso do ERM de 1992-93 e nos tempos mais recentes do Sudeste Asiático. Hedge funds ganharam uma reputação de especulação monetária agressiva nos últimos anos. Não há dúvida de que com o aumento da quantidade de dinheiro que alguns desses veículos de investimento têm sob gestão, o tamanho e a liquidez dos mercados de câmbio são muito atraentes. A alavancagem disponível neste mercado permite que esse fundo especule com dezenas de bilhões a cada vez e o instinto de rebanho que é muito aparente em círculos de hedge funds significa que obter Soros e amigos nas suas costas é menos do que agradável por uma moeda e economia fracas. No entanto, é improvável que esses investimentos sejam bem-sucedidos se a estratégia de investimento subjacente não for sólida e, portanto, argumenta-se que os hedge funds efetivamente realizam um serviço benéfico, explorando e expondo fraquezas financeiras insustentáveis, forçando o realinhamento a níveis mais realistas. O que influencia o mercado Os principais fatores que influenciam as taxas de câmbio são o saldo dos pagamentos internacionais de bens e serviços, o estado da economia, os desenvolvimentos políticos, bem como vários outros fatores psicológicos. Além disso, as forças econômicas fundamentais, como a inflação e as taxas de juros, irão influenciar constantemente os preços cambiais. Além disso, os bancos centrais às vezes participam do mercado FOREX comprando somas extremamente grandes de uma moeda para outra - isto é referido como intervenção do Banco Central. Os bancos centrais também podem influenciar os preços cambiais, alterando a taxa de juros a curto prazo do país para torná-lo relativamente mais ou menos atraente para os estrangeiros. Qualquer uma dessas condições econômicas amplas pode causar mudanças súbitas e dramáticas nos preços das moedas. Os movimentos mais rápidos, no entanto, ocorrem normalmente quando a informação é lançada, que é inesperada pelo mercado em geral. Este é um conceito chave, porque o que impulsiona o mercado monetário em muitos casos é a antecipação de uma condição econômica e não a condição em si. As atividades dos gerentes de moeda profissional, geralmente em nome de um conjunto de fundos, também se tornaram um fator de mudança do mercado. Embora os gerentes profissionais possam se comportar de forma independente e exibir o mercado de uma perspectiva única, a maioria, senão a totalidade, é, pelo menos, consciente dos importantes pontos do gráfico técnico em cada moeda principal. À medida que o mercado aborda os principais níveis de suporte ou resistência, a ação dos preços se torna mais tecnicamente orientada e as reações de muitos gerentes são muitas vezes previsíveis e similares. Estes períodos de mercado também podem resultar em mudanças súbitas e dramáticas nos preços. Os comerciantes tomam decisões tanto em fatores técnicos quanto em fundamentos econômicos. Os comerciantes técnicos usam gráficos para identificar oportunidades de negociação, enquanto os fundamentalistas prevêem movimentos nas taxas de câmbio interpretando uma ampla variedade de dados, que vão desde as últimas notícias até os relatórios econômicos. A História do FOREX Trading Muitos séculos atrás, o valor dos bens foi expresso em termos de outros bens. Esse tipo de economia baseou-se no sistema de troca entre indivíduos. As limitações óbvias de tal sistema incentivaram o estabelecimento de meios de troca mais geralmente aceitos. Era importante que uma base comum de valor pudesse ser estabelecida. Em algumas economias, itens como dentes, penas até pedras serviram esse objetivo, mas logo vários metais, em particular ouro e prata, estabeleceram-se como meios de pagamento aceitos, além de um armazenamento confiável de valor. As moedas foram inicialmente cunhadas do metal preferido e em regimes políticos estáveis, a introdução de uma forma de papel de governo I. O.U. Durante a Idade Média também ganhou aceitação. Este tipo de I. O.U. Foi introduzido com mais sucesso através da força do que através da persuasão e agora é a base das moedas modernas de hoje. Antes da primeira guerra mundial, a maioria dos bancos centrais apoiava suas moedas com conversibilidade em ouro. O dinheiro de papel sempre poderia ser trocado por ouro. No entanto, para este tipo de troca de ouro, não havia necessariamente uma necessidade do banco Centrals para cobertura total das reservas cambiais dos governos. Isso não ocorreu com muita frequência, no entanto, quando uma mentalidade de grupo promoveu essa noção desastrosa de converter de volta ao ouro em massa, o pânico resultou na chamada corrida em bancos. A combinação de uma maior oferta de papel-moeda sem o ouro para cobrir levou a devastador Inflação e instabilidade política resultante. Para proteger os interesses locais, aumentou o controle cambial para evitar que as forças do mercado punissem a irresponsabilidade monetária. Perto do final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o acordo de Bretton Woods foi alcançado por iniciativa dos EUA em julho de 1944. A conferência realizada em Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, rejeitou a sugestão de John Maynard Keynes para uma nova moeda de reserva mundial a favor de um sistema construído no Dólar americano. Instituições internacionais como o FMI, o Banco Mundial e o GATT foram criadas no mesmo período em que os vencedores emergentes da Segunda Guerra Mundial buscaram uma maneira de evitar as crises monetárias desestabilizadoras que levaram à guerra. O acordo de Bretton Woods resultou em um sistema de taxas de câmbio fixas que reintegraram o padrão de ouro em parte, corrigindo o dólar norte-americano em 35,00 por onça de ouro e corrigindo as demais moedas principais ao dólar, inicialmente destinado a ser permanente. O sistema de Bretton Woods passou por uma crescente pressão à medida que as economias nacionais se moviam em direções diferentes durante a década de 1960. Uma série de realinhamentos mantiveram o sistema vivo durante um longo período de tempo, mas, eventualmente, Bretton Woods entrou em colapso no início dos anos 1970, após a suspensão do presidente Nixons da convertibilidade do ouro em agosto de 1971. O dólar não era mais adequado como a única moeda internacional em um momento em que Estava sob forte pressão do aumento do orçamento dos EUA e déficits comerciais. Nas últimas décadas, a troca de câmbio se tornou o maior mercado global do mundo. As restrições nos fluxos de capital foram removidas na maioria dos países, deixando as forças do mercado livres para ajustar as taxas de câmbio de acordo com seus valores percebidos. Na Europa, a idéia de taxas de câmbio fixas não morrera de forma alguma. A Comunidade Económica Europeia introduziu um novo sistema de taxas de câmbio fixas em 1979, o Sistema Monetário Europeu. Esta tentativa de corrigir as taxas de câmbio encontrou quase extinção em 1992-93, quando as pressões econômicas acumuladas forçaram as desvalorizações de várias moedas européias fracas. A busca continuou na Europa para a estabilidade da moeda com a assinatura de 1991 do tratado de Maastricht. Isto foi não só para corrigir as taxas de câmbio, mas também para substituir muitos deles com o euro em 2002. Atualmente, a Europa está atualmente na terceira e última etapa do Euros, onde as taxas de câmbio são fixadas nos 12 países participantes do país, mas ainda utilizam suas atuais Moedas para transações comerciais. A introdução física do euro será entre 1 de janeiro de 2002 e 1 de julho de 2002. Nesse ponto, as moedas dos países antigos serão obsoletas. Na Ásia, a falta de sustentabilidade das taxas de câmbio fixas ganhou nova relevância com os eventos no Sudeste Asiático na última parte de 1997, onde a moeda após a moeda foi desvalorizada em relação ao dólar dos EUA, deixando outras taxas de câmbio fixas, em particular no Sul A América também parece muito vulnerável. Enquanto as empresas comerciais tiveram que enfrentar um ambiente cambial muito mais volátil nos últimos anos, investidores e instituições financeiras descobriram um novo campo de jogos. O tamanho do mercado FOREX anula qualquer outro mercado de investimento. Estima-se que mais de US $ 1.600 bilhões sejam negociados todos os dias, o mesmo montante que quase 40 vezes o volume diário de USD no mercado norte-americano NASDAQ. Aprenda Forex Trading Forex trading on-line, o processo de negociação de moedas estrangeiras através da internet, embora uma forma relativamente nova de investimento, tornou-se rapidamente um dos maiores mercados de investimento de hoje. Devido ao seu alto nível de liquidez, simples execução, baixas taxas de transação e o fato de estar aberto durante todo o ano, 24 horas por dia, o mercado de câmbio, também conhecido como trading forex, é extremamente atraente para os investidores. Livre de barreiras para o comércio, a negociação forex oferece a arena comercial mais equitativa para todos os níveis de clientes. À medida que você começa a negociar forex, é importante entender que, como todas as outras formas de negociação, há riscos envolvidos com os investimentos. Fundamentos de Forex Trading. A troca de câmbio, mais conhecida como negociação de Forex, é a compra simultânea de uma moeda enquanto vende outra. A negociação de Forex é baseada nos movimentos de um conjunto de moedas que são vendidas em pares de moedas, onde uma moeda é a base e uma é a moeda do contador ou da cotação. Ele também coloca as moedas em termos de um abastecimento de moedas em comparação com a demanda de outras moedas. Os ganhos ou perdas em uma negociação são baseados nos movimentos relativos das moedas dentro de cada par de moedas. Pips ou pontos são a maneira numérica em que os movimentos de moedas são cotados, movimentos positivos sendo ganhos, movimentos negativos que refletem perdas. Existem inúmeras ferramentas e estratégias associadas à troca de moeda e, quando é iniciado, é importante compreender essas ferramentas antes de implementar qualquer uma delas em estratégias de negociação. Aqui está uma lista das ferramentas de negociação Forex mais populares. Análise Técnica e Fundamental. Em termos básicos, existem duas maneiras de analisar um comércio de moeda. Ler e estar bem familiarizado com as notícias políticas e financeiras em termos de ajustes de taxa de juros, comércio internacional e o bem-estar econômico geral dos países (PIB), estão associados ao que é chamado de análise fundamental e são algo para todos os comerciantes a considerar. O segundo tipo de negociação é a abordagem de análise técnica, que incorpora gráficos e gráficos matemáticos que utilizam movimentos históricos de moeda para fazer previsões no futuro. Depois de determinar se negociação fundamental, negociação técnica ou uma combinação dos dois é apropriado, os comerciantes novatos devem testá-los em uma conta de demonstração forex. Isso permite que você veja os resultados de suas estratégias sem arriscar seus investimentos. A partir daí, é mais fácil determinar o risco de um comerciante adverso e onde você deve fazer suas ordens stoplimit. Parar e limitar ordens são preços pré-estabelecidos que indicam posições, máximos e mínimos, quando os comerciantes quiserem sair dos mercados, se protegerem contra perdas maciças. Mas acima de tudo, os comerciantes devem perceber que o que eles estão dispostos a arriscar também deve ser o que eles estão dispostos a perder. O estabelecimento de taxas de câmbio O desenvolvimento de valores monetários globais e as taxas que são negociadas são resultado de muitos eventos, tanto concretos como psicológicos. A taxa de câmbio especulativa na década de 1970 compunha apenas 20 do total de operações cambiais globais. Hoje representa mais de 95 das transações atuais. A negociação de moedas levou a que grandes quantidades de dinheiro mudassem suas mãos diariamente, enquanto investidores compram e vendem moedas um contra o outro. Muitos fatores afetam o valor de uma moeda do país, incluindo ciclos econômicos, eventos políticos, políticas monetárias governamentais e do banco central, flutuações do mercado de ações e padrões de investimentos internacionais. Negociação de moeda on-line Uma vez que o comércio de Forex é facilmente feito através de vários meios de comunicação, a negociação on-line é a mais popular até hoje, faz com que os custos de transação mais baixos sejam comparados a outras formas de negociação, como ações ou futuros. Os preços de Forex também são extremamente transparentes, devido principalmente à criação da plataforma de negociação on-line. Tanto a transparência quanto as baixas taxas de transação oferecem oportunidades de lucro ainda maiores na negociação de moeda. Os comerciantes têm a capacidade de entrar e sair do mercado de divisas com grande facilidade e grandes quantidades de capital não são necessárias para iniciar o comércio forex. Os preços das moedas também não são tão voláteis e geralmente se movem em fortes tendências, reduzindo assim o risco que os investidores têm. Seu tamanho, liquidez, confiabilidade e tendência para se mover em fortes tendências facilitam o gerenciamento de riscos para os comerciantes de forex, atraindo mais e mais pessoas para trocar moeda. Para negociar forex, você precisa de uma plataforma de negociação FX. Use uma empresa estabelecida e regulamentada para fazer suas negociações. 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Forums - FxTrader Forum FOREX . FOREX in Zimbabwe - Interviu broker FOREX ZimbabweWelcome to the Eventual Millionaire Podcast. Im Jaime Tardy and today we have Adam Mesh on the show. Adam owns Adam Mesh Trading Group and has been seen on Fortune, Fox Business, CNBC, as well as the reality show called The Average Joe. And while I almost never watch reality shows, I remember watching it because Adam is such a likeable guy. Now, Im really excited to have him on today so welcome, Adam. Thanks so much for being here. ADAM MESH: Thanks, Jaime, for having me. JAIME TARDY: Excellent. So first off AM: Whats going on JT: Its pouring so hopefully we wont get cut off and hopefully people dont hear the thunder too much as you can hear it rumble in the background. AM: Nice background music. The ominous softly overhead now. It will be all good things. JT: Oh good So first off, youre an investor. I really want to start off and ask JT: Trader. Then Im going to ask you whats the difference AM: And Im happy to explain the difference. JT: Yes, please tell me the difference. AM: An investor is passive. An investor will put money away and then check it every couple of months and make sure its doing its thing or if its not wonder why. A trader is much more active. Theyre taking control. Theyre managing their positions. They are in for days, weeks and months but theyre not just sitting on their hands hoping. Theyre actually taking control so I always encourage people that theyre going to be trading not investing. Investing is what you do with like that money you put away for your kids college and stuff like that. But for the money that you want to grow at a faster rate, I think trading is more important. JT: Really It seems like theres a lot of risk so tell me how you guys stop that risk because weve always heard, you know, you put your money, you let it sit and because the stock market eventually over a long term goes up then were good. But how can you guys take away the risk of trading AM: By establishing what that risk is, what the reward is in each situation and being comfortable with that so that when you enter a trade you understand what can I lose, what can I gain, does this make sense. So, if I was trading a stock, I would be like oh I could lose a point or I can make a point and a point is like if the stock is at 50 and it goes to 49 or 50 and it goes to 51 thats a point. On a 100 shares thats 100 and a 1,000 shares its 1,000. So if Im entering a trade I dont want a 1:1. I want a 5:1. Im looking for big plays. A great example would be Crocs, okay. Crocs, you know those ugly shoes AM: Theyre like the rubber ones and stuff pretty much only popular in hospitals. Well, that was a stock that used to be really popular then people I guess realized what they looked like. It went all the way down. Then it started coming back and I saw they had some new different kinds of shoes out. Thats like a fundamental idea. But technically, it got above a 10 level and when we looked the last time it got above 10 it went to 20. So, in that scenario, I was like all right, if it goes back up to 9, Ill get out of it but I think it could go back up and test where it had been before. I was using the previous pattern. Thats technical now. So I was risking one to make ten. Thats a great scenario that you cant find in many places. So when you make trades like that and youre successful even three times out of ten, youre going to be doing really well. JT: So how does that work because youre basing on previous patterns but I mean how can you think that its definitely going to do the same thing that it did last time. I mean isnt it so volatile that it doesnt do that AM: Well, history does tend to repeat itself and the market historically does fall into patterns. Thats what technical analysis is recognizing key trigger points. Thats something that we really look to do because no it doesnt repeat itself every time but the amount of times it does is enough for you to be very profitable by following those patterns. Something I will say though, just even more getting into the risk and stuff, a lot of people work really hard, they want to make money, right Then what do they do They give their money to someone else to manage it for them. Then they hope that at the end of the day its growing and when its not, they dont even have the knowledge to ask why. If they ever wanted to buy stock on their own, Im sure that some of your followers have tried to buy stock on their own from one of their banks like Chase or Goldman Sachs or Smith Barney or any of those places and if you ever did, it costs around 70 to make a trade. So even taking that first step to learn how to place trades for yourself online, you could take that cost from 70 to under 10 just by learning how to hit buy and how to hit sell which is really easy to do. Now, you start to gain knowledge. You start to understand how the stocks move, what the key levels are. Ill give you a great example in a second of whats going on now and once you understand those things and you can make those trades for yourself, youre in control. And even if you dont want to do it, even if you get to the point where you say, You know what, Im too busy, I got too much stuff going on, I dont even like this at least you know the right questions to ask. At least you can say to the person managing your money why did you do this What did you see here Whats your strategy behind this Then you can at least protect yourself from putting your money in the wrong hands. But a great example of having that knowledge is even the market this past week, when you look at it, has been in a range and key levels were 12,000 and 12,500. So when we were at 12,300 and we dropped 150 points, I said to everyone its not a big deal. It doesnt mean were tanking. It doesnt mean anything. Its just in between. If you ever played tennis, have you played tennis JT: Yes, or tennis on the Wii, right That counts too AM: When either stays under the baseline or the net, right But that in between spot that you dont want to get caught is called no mans land. Thats where you are too far away from either spot to have to position. The market tends to find itself in no mans land a lot where it could go up, it could go down. You have no way of knowing so you dont want to lean too far in either direction otherwise youll get burned. So when the market is sitting in between two key levels 12,000 and 12,500 and its going down 200 points, I tell people its not a big deal because its not breaking through any levels. So the ability to look at a market thats down hundreds of points and say you know what, nothing really is happening. Then you see a day like today where the market is up a couple hundred points and say and even now nothing is really happening. Its just the in between versus the market could be up less and breakthrough a key level and that would be significant. So understanding why things are happening and Im not talking about the analysts on television saying what happened in Japan is making us go down. Unemployment is making us go up. Housing, no, Im talking about actual levels, which is really what the market revolves around. Thats whats going to determine where we move. JT: Well, I think, anyone getting into investing is so scared of making a mistake and not knowing what the heck theyre doing. So you go in and you make a couple of trades or something like that and you lose your shirt and go oh nevermind its not for me. When you talk about it, youve been doing it forever, you make it sound so easy. Like if you only know these three key things then you can do it. I mean is it really that easy How did you learn getting into all this AM: I got started trading right out of college. I wanted to become a writer but my parents said, you know, were done paying for you to do things, time to get a job. So me going out and living on their dime in California as I tried to become a writer wasnt in the plans. So I started trading early and I loved it. I loved the excitement, the rush. I felt like a professional athlete going in every day. You know, you said I make it sound easy. I think the key to my success and the people I work with, their success, is keeping it simple but being consistent. You look at the top athletes, the one common analogy used that transcends sports is that they make it look easy. When Alex Rodriguez swings a bat he makes it look easy. When Kobe Bryant shoots he looks effortless. In golf, when you see these great golfers with their swing it looks like their not even trying to swing. Its the same thing with the market. If youre adding all these complexities to your trading, youre just hurting yourself. Youre creating too much in between. Youre allowing too much room for error but by keeping it simple and consistent, thats the key to success. And I believe the outcomes were talking about, not just trading but business, I believe thats with anything. Taking a model that works and repeating it versus trying to break the mold. I think a pattern for failure is when you see something that works and you say what else can I do before you get good at that. I think its really important to get good at one thing and then build versus all right this is good what else can I do. Youre not embracing the success. JT: Yes, thats huge. I hear that a lot too. Focus is a key thing and not being pulled in all these different directions. But do you think thats innate I mean you talk about sports analogies. You know, are they really good at swinging a bat just because they are and are you really good at trading just because you are or can anybody learn I mean I know your whole thing is the average Joe which is great but are you really an average Joe, you know Or is it something thats sort of in your blood AM: The nice thing about trading, you know, athletes, sure. Thats going to really limit the field a lot more than traders. Nice thing when it comes to trading and I think thats what the universal appeal is that you never know who is going to be good. Ive seen people that never went to college excel. Ive seen Ivy League stars have trouble. So thats the one thing Ive known is that there is no predetermined requisite for whos going to be good. Someone could start in their 60s or 70s and have a lot of success doing it. Theres been articles about that. So its not like in athletics, I think its more of a discipline but not everybody will be good. Ive seen that. Ive seen in every group of 20 youre going to have 3 superstars, 3 people that will never get it but can still learn how to protect themselves and the rest will kind of fall into the middle of the road and be okay. JT: Thats really interesting. Its funny, because I have a friend who borrowed lots of money on credit cards, wanted to become a trader and it didnt work out very well for him. So you are right. I see those stories and then everybody makes it sound so easy to actually do it. So its really good that youre very honest and clear and go not everybody is good at it. What do you think separates the people that are superstars from the people that arent AM: Discipline, the ability to stick to the plan and be consistent. I think it is very analogous to exercise or weight loss. How many people start to work out for a week, get sore and never go back to the gym for four months and then they start again and quit Same thing with a diet. How many people start a diet and stop after a week instead of sticking with it In both those cases, the hardest part is at the beginning. Your doing something that is outside your comfort zone and you are not seeing results right away. You are not getting muscles in one week of working out. Youre not losing weight your first week of dieting really unless youre on the Biggest Loser. But, if you stay consistent, then you start to see the results and emotions get easier. The same thing with trading. You cant say I want to be a trader one day and buy stock and be like Im rich. Its not the way it works. You got to learn the skills. You got to stay the course. You got to stick to the plan before you see the results. So I guess its that inner belief that Im not going to stop until I succeed is what separates people that are successful from people that are not successful. JT: Thats awesome and that really is something that everybody can have. So its not as though you are saying they can never be superstars its that they need to cultivate that first. Thats like a first step beforehand. Thats great. AM: I think with anything there is a learning curve. JT: Oh yeah, definitely. So how did you start So you started after college. I mean did you have a ton of money from your college graduation or something How do you start AM: I started trading at a company and the way it worked, it was a day trading company when I started, and I would go in every day and the first day I remember looking at the screen and it was just like a big blur. As I kept going, the screen became clearer and I started trading and what I did was I looked around at who the superstars were in the firm because they had like a leader board where you could see who was doing well every day so you knew who the stars were and I would kind of pick their brain. Id walk over to them with notebook and pen and ask them some questions and say what did you do here Whyd you do that I would come to all the meetings early and stay late and actually, the first award I won there was most improved trader. I have a history of that. Even when I wrestled in high school I got most improved wrestler. To win most improved it means you have to start off pretty bad. Its not the best award but it shows determination but I won that and even then when I left after I had been there for awhile and I left to go trade my own money, I didnt have success right away. I made a little bit of money. I always tell people the most dangerous thing that could happen in the stock market is a false sense of confidence. Making that little bit of money and thinking youre good which leads to the big downfall and thats even what happened to me. I was almost wiped out. I was almost done. I have an article that I send out to my students as a reminder once a month. Its called Its Going to be the Last Trade I Ever Made and I remember my back was against the wall and I wasnt going to have enough money left to even continue trading and I just really had to focus on one good stock, the best rules and I really had to simplify everything. If you have one trade left, it has to be right and I was able to fight out of it and then instead of kind of getting reckless and loose again, I stayed consistent and tied it within what was working and I was able to build off that. So I started off trading someone elses money at a firm at a job. It wasnt great right away but stuck with it. Asked the best people lots of questions then started trading my own money. Still had some setbacks but then was able to go back to the rules and what started it and achieved success. JT: So how long did that take you I mean how long were you working for somebody else and how long did it take you to achieve success when you went out on your own AM: I was working for someone else for maybe like a year. AM: Yes, I was eager to get out on my own. Then on my own, it was a couple years. JT: So what was it like trading your own money and thats the only thing that youre doing AM: Actually, it wasnt really a couple years. It was a couple years until I was comfortable but the turnaround was probably like within six months I went from up to down to up and I stayed up. So that learning curve was probably six months and then after that I was kind of just building. What was the question JT: No, actually, Im going to change topics for a second because I actually read that you had Fortune magazine looking over your shoulder and you made like 19,000 in a day or something like that and I really wanted to bring that up 8211 going from like talking about you at the very beginning to being able to do something that sounds so extraordinary that nobody could do it. Could you tell me a little bit more about what that was and why Fortune was following you on it AM: Sure, I was trading at a firm that had probably thousands of traders. It was called Trade Scape and it eventually got sold to ETrade for I think like 360 million and I was one of the top guys at that firm and so Fortune was doing an article on the trading industry and the owner of the firm recommended he watch me. So he, the guys name was Nelson Schwartz, nice guy, and he came and he was standing behind me and during that time the stocks were swinging much more wildly. Its not as easy to do that now. Id probably have to take bigger positions but this was like, these were the fuel cell stocks at that time. The stock that I was trading was plugged power but I didnt even know what that was. I didnt know the real name of the company I just knew the symbol. So thats why he found it so intriguing. I didnt know a lot about the company but I traded and I jumped in and 20 minutes later I was out and it was like 19 grand. AM: He almost lost it. He was standing behind me. He was like what is this world JT: Thats great. Good thing that happened on the day he was standing looking over shoulder Thats awesome. AM: They actually did a follow up a year later to see how the company was doing and we were doing well and we actually had a trader who had like, he made money 150 days in a row or something like that some ridiculous streak. Good stuff. JT: Yes, great stories. So lets talk a little bit about how you got into your own business because you were trading on your own. You were doing very well and being very successful. What made you start your own business teaching other people how to do it AM: That actually came about because of the television appearances. At that time, I was a partner in a trading firm and I used to train 20 people at a time and the market was slow and one of my friends knew a casting person so I ended up on a dating show. JT: Yes, I want to stop you right there. Talk a little bit more about that because I actually watched that show. I never watch reality shows and for some reason I watched that one so it was great that I have you here today. But what made you want to go on a reality show AM: I mean, the way it was described, I didnt even know it was a dating show because they were very secretive about that stuff. So the form I got said, Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime Youre going to go on a luxury vacation and experience things that youve never experienced before with extreme stuff and you had to agree to go like skydiving, all these things. They had no idea what you were going to be doing but it was just like a crazy adventure and I was like, Yeah, Im in for that And so I showed up. I didnt even know it was a dating show. JT: Thats so funny. Thats great. Sorry and I totally interrupted you. So being on that show where you were matched up with a bunch of women or something like that and coming out at the end of that it helped your business career somehow and made you want to go into your own business AM: Well what happened was it was actually a popular show and it was, I think like 30 million people watched the finale and I was in the finals. Finals of a dating show. We went back to my apartment in New York and that Fortune article that we discussed was framed in my room because it was something I was proud of and shes like what was this for I was like trading. So when the show ended so many people had watched and instead of like writing in to ask about like my love life they were asking about the stock market and I was getting thousands of emails. It was crazy and I was starting to answer them and people just kept asking questions and so I started a newsletter. Right away, the newsletter had a thousand people. If you fast forward now, its almost 300,000 people. So I realized that there was a void that people wanted information on how to trade stocks for themselves and they didnt know where to go for it. So I started doing it and it took over and I actually loved it. Thats how that happened. JT: Well I mean youre such a likeable guy. Like I said at the beginning, youve got such a great personality and youre extremely trustworthy, especially seeing you on like a reality show and you were put in a really good light of being this really nice guy. So everyone is like I already trust you, please tell me your secrets. Thats excellent. AM: Thank you, I appreciate that. JT: Thats excellent. So 300,000, how did you go about getting that much I mean you probably didnt know that much about internet marketing and newsletters and stuff like that. How did you start with all of that AM: A good friend of mine was in that industry in terms of the newsletters and stuff like that. So he was showing me how you could get started and he showed me how to write kind of daily copy. I always enjoyed writing. Remember that was my original goal. JT: I was going to say you turned into a writer. AM: I think people really connected. I think it is hit or miss when you want to do something like that. I think people enjoyed my voice. It was very downturn. Less focus on proper grammar and more focus on just getting the message across. And I dont misspell words or anything but Im not concerned about starting a sentence with but. Im more thinking about what am I trying to say related to the stock market. So I think it was something that people enjoyed. As it took over and I sold my interest in the trading company to do this full time, it became more of a business and one of the things you want to do in the business is you want to get your message out there which is who am I, you know, why should you choose me over anyone else. Once I realized that this is what I was going to be doing now, I was like obviously I want to be the best, I want to be the best stock market coach there is. So number one, you want to make sure that everyone you work with is happy. Thats never going to happen. Ive realized that. The more people, if you want to have a very successful business, youre going to work with a lot of people and Ive realized that there is no pleasing everyone. So what I try to do is take comfort in the fact that I know what were doing works. Ive seen it work now, you know, month after month, year after year. Ive watched people become successful so I know what the plan is and I can encourage people and its something thats really rewarding. But one of the best things that ever happened to me was I went to watch David Ledbetter give a golf lesson and David Ledbetter is considered by everyone, this isnt by me this is by everyone, as one of the top three best golf instructors in the world and I watched him during a clinic and he was trying to get somebody to drive the ball straight but for 30 minutes all the guy did was hit the ball to the right and actually at the end he gave him a t-shirt as a gift for being such a good sport and the t-shirt said, I attended the Butch Harmon School of Golf which is a competitor, because the guy was so bad. It gave me confidence because at the beginning it was frustrating because if someone didnt get it I was just like, I would drive myself nuts because Im a real micromanager. But then I realized that everybody was improving and as I said earlier, not everyone will become a superstar but I want to make sure that everyone was able to go to the next level. Thats what I was able to do. So once I felt confident that I was doing a better job than anyone else and people were really benefiting, not everyone was going to be a superstar, but everyone was going to improve, I was like all right now I got to get the word out there. It was actually a fluke. I was going to start an advertisement and the ad was supposed to run, like it was an online ad, and it was supposed to go out to a small portion of the list but they accidentally ran it to the whole list and it did really well. Right there I was just like okay so this is how it works. You send your message out and then you have this many more people following you. So I didnt have to advertise steadily to get the word out there and allow people to get a free feel for who we are. When I advertised it was just kind of inviting people in to join my free newsletter and get a feel for who we are. JT: Thats sort of what I was going to ask whether it was a paid newsletter or its free. Its free so people can even sign up right now, just sign up to get your tips. JT: Excellent. So how did you advertise I mean you started with a big jump in subscribers number one because you were famous but what did you do for advertising AM: There were online sites where people were interested in, when the right amount of subscribers to any list, like it could be basket weaving. If there is 400,000 people that are on your basket weaving list and you say to those 400,000 people, Well how many of you would be interested in the stock market, even though the two are completely unrelated, you are still going to get a couple thousand people to say I am. I am, I want to learn about that. Thats really what the advertising is with that. You are going out to different groups that are interested in different things and saying, Hey would you be interested in this and if so, heres a free newsletter, get to know us better and see if you want to take it to the next level. JT: Excellent. So what is your business model I mean I know you have the free newsletter and you also have products for sale, right What exactly do you sell and I know you have a forum too. Do you have to sign up and pay for that AM: The way it works, I could take you from the beginning like the way it starts, so the products that we sell are introductions to the market. We have the beginners guide to the stock market, we have full contacts ratings and these are great ways to get a taste of okay whats the stock market about Whats the energy like and see if people are interested. And those products are actually called the loss leader because the amount we make on those doesnt even offset the amount of cost to advertise. Advertising is expensive. So you spend money to go out and advertise and of those thousands of people that will now join your list, maybe 40 or 50 will be interested in one of your beginner products which, you know, is a good way to offset your costs and give people a taste for who you are and see if they are really serious about wanting to move forward in the stock market. Then what weve became known for is our coaching program in our community. Those are the more expensive programs. They start at 4,500 and what people get there is they get to work one on one with a professional trader which is something that I did that was unique. The reason for that is I found that most of the companies that were doing this before me would have just college kids reading out of a textbook and what I did, because I had my connections, was I was able to bring in real traders who traded their own money for a living and get them to teach people how to trade. It was a much more advanced level of service and these traders were a little like why should I do it Theyre thinking Warren Buffet should be doing it and these great traders who made a living trading their own money didnt realize how valuable the information they had was. So they really enjoy doing it. Then the community was, after you go through the coaching program and only if youve been trained by us, you could stay on and get access to our forum and my calls every week and each of the coaches has calls. The forum has thousands of members and they talk about the market each day but whats really nice about it is theyve all been trained by us. So youre not going to have people that are out to manipulate or talk about stocks that arent within our guidelines for what were looking for. So its an educated community and it was pretty much set up the way my trading floors used to be. Instead of rows of people its people online but theyre all coming together and they have the similar training so it allows them to work effectively. So Im really proud of that. The way we do that is its 97.00 a month to get access to the calls every week and the forum but if people, for some reason, have gone through the program havent covered the cost of the membership, meaning, you know, because sometimes someone might want to get started with 5,000 and I think thats great but if they paid me 4,500 theyre not going to make that right away. Theyre not going to double their money in three months. They can. Ive seen it done but not everyone is going to do that. Most people wont. So in that case, they just let us know and they dont have to pay membership dues until theyre profitable. So its a nice kind of well train you forever until you get this but they go through the program and they havent made money then well continue to provide them with all of our services until they do at no charge. So its a great way to maintain a good reputation which is something I really work hard for. JT: Yes, just in terms of reputation too, usually when I do research I look up bad stuff too. So whoever Im interviewing I want to find out if theres anything bad being said about them and stuff like that and I just want to say that Im extremely impressed by what I found for you guys. In general, Ive interviewed a lot of millionaires having to do with investing and real estate and there are always people that say bad things. I usually take it with a grain of salt. The funny thing is that I read a bad review about one of your, one, I only found one, which is really cool, but then right underneath it you personally responded and you wrote exactly why. You wrote your phone number, you wrote your email address. You said contact me. That was extremely impressive and me, of course, if I was a consumer looking for your stuff, I mean that would be huge as far as trust for me. So whats your stance on addressing complaints and issues with your company AM: Again, its to be a micromanager and its funny. If anyone complains and in six years, youre right, theres been one complaint and I knew exactly who the person was and the issue was this. Of the 2,000 members, weve had we had to kick out one person from our forum and it was a lady that was just really being rude to everybody and so I wrote on there. I said this is what happens. Everybody needed her gone. Nobody was happy with her. We warned her several times and she had to leave. It was just frustrating because Im willing to put up my name and number and Ill speak to anyone about anything. Transparency is key as opposed to her I would use a fake name and a town that didnt exist to complain. It was like all right, whatever. JT: Thats really impressive out of thousands of people youve had one. Thats crazy. AM: Well thats the thing. In this day and age where so many transactions are done online, your reputation is more important than ever because if you mess up, many people will see it. All you have to do, like Im sure what you did, you go on the internet and you type in my name, theres 10 million hits. Youre going to go through articles. You are going to see something somewhere. You can read a lot about me. You were able to prepare for this interview. Im sure like 20 years ago before, however probably less, before there was an internet it was a lot harder to prepare for these interviews. You probably had to do a pre-interview. Now you just go on the internet and you read everything. So I think its really important to be a micromanager because this is another thing that I think would go for any business, you can work a lifetime to develop your name and your reputation and it could be gone in a second. You see that with that designer, that fashion designer who got caught on camera making anti-Semitic remarks and then all of a sudden his career was destroyed. You know what Im saying JT: Yes. Dont be that person. AM: You got to make sure that your customers are happy because, if not, people will know. Its important to me to make sure that I know I am doing everything I can. JT: As a business owner, so speaking to other business owners and having a group of clients or customers or whatever you want to call them interact with your forum, how do you set that up so it is so educational, interactive and you only had one person that was ever bad to other people How do you set that up in a way if somebody else was trying to do that AM: I love that question because what I did was I did the opposite of negative experiences I have had. You deal with other businesses every day and what I found was that there were so many businesses that I thought did it the wrong way and examples would be Time Warner Cable, Verizon, any phone company, cable company where you get transferred seven times, you have to speak to computer voices, its impossible to get a person on the phone. Thats a frustrating experience. That leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth so much so that I almost want to take action. I switched phone companies. Ive switched cable companies. I switched to Fios. So what I did was I lather people with personal attention. I have a full team of customer support here. I have a tech specialist so that when someone joins my program they have their personal coach, they have access to group calls of me so I keep an eye on them. If they need help with things on their computer they have someone who can help them with that. If they need help in other areas, theyll always have a real person to speak to. Theres always someone answering the phone. So I think personal attention is the way to separate yourself. Thats all people want. Even if you tell someone I cant help you and even if you say theres nothing we can do in this situation, as long as its a real person and they know every time they call you that phone is going to be answered, thats something that doesnt exist ever anymore. So its a way where we could set ourselves apart and thats what we do. So Im glad you asked that question because thats really important to me. JT: Thats really great advice. Yes, you dont get that anywhere nowadays. Thats excellent. JT: So what are some of the obstacles or challenges that you face just, I mean, in trading and in your own business We like to hear the beautiful success story of 19,000 in one day and yes I now have this wonderful company that has lots of people working for me but I know it hasnt all been smooth sailing. So what are some of the obstacles and challenges that you faced AM: Well, in trading, my biggest obstacle has always been discipline. Sometimes its what makes me a better coach than even a trader in that I know what the right things to do are in every situation. Ive been doing this for so long. There is no gray. Its black and white. Heres how you establish it. Heres what the risk is. Heres what the reward is. But no matter how long I have been doing it, theres certain situations where that little slither of emotion comes in and your discipline breaks down and then youre like Im just going to hold a little bit longer. You know what, Im not going to buy 2,000 shares, Im going to buy 5,000. Well, weve established theres a risk reward but now youre risking, at a minimum, a couple thousand versus maybe a couple hundred. So by taking on bigger risks, by going outside my comfort zone looking for action, thats where I encounter obstacles in my trading. So its a constant struggle. The market is really like the ocean. It could be like calm and relaxing and you can have some fun in it on a daily basis and then all of a sudden you let your guard down for a second and its down 500 points and you just lost 20 grand. Just always sticking with the rules I think is important in terms of trading. In terms of business I think the challenge is I guess one would be customers. When you deal with a lot of people, there is going to be some people you dont want to deal with and trying to demonstrate patience. Im someone who speaks my mind, tell it like it is so I have the urge to say to some people you are absolutely ridiculous. What you just said to me is the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard. But, then again, you have to realize theyre a customer. Ive said it sometimes just because I think it needed to be said but trying to maintain professionalism I think is something I struggle with at points just because I wear my heart on my sleeve and it is me running this business every day. Its not like someone else is running it so if theres an insult or someone says something I dont care because its not really me. It is me so I do care. I think growth is something that is always on your mind because if youre not moving forward youre moving back. So its always how do we stay the best Is our technology the best Is what were saying the best Is our team the most prepared How do we make sure that this year is better than last year Those things are important because thats what creates a happy environment. JT: Yes, definitely. Excelente. So how many people actually work there AM: In my office there is, I think, 10. JT: Like rounding count, right AM: And then the coaches, they trade throughout the country. The total team of people that we work with is now over 30. JT: Nice. Thats excellent. And growth is always a thing of every year trying to get better and better. Thats great to hear. I mean thats sort of the whole point of having a business and growing it and making it better and thats what entrepreneurs do best anyway. AM: Well, going back to what we said at the beginning, its that balance between taking the things youre good at and doing them really well while still looking to grow. So its how aggressive do I want to be in growth versus how much emphasis on what were doing well. I usually say its like 85 percent just focusing on doing the things right that we are good at and 15 percent on what else can we do. JT: Thats great. So whats some of the resources that youve used Is there any really good books whether it be books on mindset or books on trading or whatever that have really inspired you and helped you grow AM: Well my favorite book, its actually one that I sell now and that wasnt looking to be a plug, its part of the full contact trading program, the book thats included with it is called Reminiscence of a Stock Operator and its a trading book but its also like a life lesson book. The guy kind of breaks his own rules so he makes and loses millions four or five times over. You see him go from tremendous success to failure over and over. So it was a book that really hit home with me as a trader and what youre able to do, because it was written so long ago, is get the rights to it and so I include that with my programs and I write my own modern day trading lessons are included with that. Thats what the full contact trading program is. It was all built around that book. JT: Oh wow, thats excellent. Impressionante. For the last question, whats one action that everyone can take this week to move them forward towards their goal to be a millionaire AM: The obvious one is what you just said which is setting goals. If you dont have goals, you cant achieve them. Something I heard once that really stuck with me that I think can apply anywhere is when you look at any business and anyone in any business, there is the way that everybody is doing it and the way to separate yourself. I think the question that people need to ask whether its their own business or theyre working somewhere is how do I set myself apart How am I going to do something in a way thats different and better than anyone else has ever done before When you create your own way, and the story is actually about buckets. If you look at the rental car industry and you see that theres Avis and theres Hertz and theres Budget and theres Dollar, if I was looking to go into the rental car industry, for me to become Adam Meshs Rental Car, theres already a hundred of them. Theres no way to be different. But then you look at the zip car and all of a sudden theres a different spin. Theres a new spin on an industry thats been around forever. They created their own bucket. They stepped into that industry and said, Okay, were going to allow you to rent our cars but were going to do it in a way that has never been done before. Thats how I try to run my business. I think even when youre working for someone else, to go in and say, Okay, everyone comes in and does this but who has ever come after hours and made a presentation for how the business can grow Who has ever stepped up and said hey I took the initiative and look what else were doing now I think when you look to set yourself apart thats how you experience growth. JT: Thats excellent advice. Ive heard that through the whole entire interview though of you trying to really be the best and trying to do what you can do the best and I think thats a really key point too that everybody, as long as theyre trying their best to try and separate themselves and grow their business and do everything, thats really what you can ask for. Excelente. JT: So where is the best place to find you and information on all your products and everything online AM: If anyone goes to adammesh they can put in their email address and start receiving emails on a daily basis. Thats probably the easiest way to go is adammesh. JT: Excellent and I just signed up to you. So Ill be one of your 300,000 people that youll be sending those to. Excelente. JT: Yeah, I really appreciate it. Its funny, I got into the stock market not that long ago and Ive just been learning as much as I can. So I really appreciate your information. So I look forward to getting it and getting to know you better from thousands of emails that Ill get now. Not thousands but you know what I mean, every single day Ill be able to get one from you so that will be excellent. Impressionante. AM: Right. I appreciate the interview, the way it was done. Its nice to be able to expand upon your answers. Im used to now being on TV where you have like three minutes to talk about three talking points so this is more of a relaxing forum where I enjoyed it. It was almost a chance to reflect so I thank you for the interview as well. JT: Excellent. Well I hope you have a wonderful day, Adam, and thank you so much for coming on. AM: Take care, Jaime. Bye. Obrigado por ouvir. You can find out more great information like this on eventualmillionaire.
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